

JC Milan

I was surprised at the bikini of elementary school students, quikomi and streaks! A popular work that the now-defunct image maker "Image Creator" is proud of! Very popular and energetic Pai JC Bishoujo gravure idol, Miran Shimizu's image work "JC Milan" is now available! Delivering innocent and playable poses with a slightly grown miracle body and a slightly grown-up pure smile! First of all, Miran who appears in a pink bikini! She is very dazzling when she smiles at the camera while taking various poses on the swing! In the next scene, she will appear in sexy plain clothes with an open chest! She still looks sexy in elementary school! But that's not the end, I'll take it off! The beige tube top string bikini is underwear and I'm excited again! It's unbearable to apply white body cream to the chest, buttocks, and crotch. In addition, there are plenty of recommended scenes such as a white high-leg swimsuit, a scene of taking off from a uniform to a white underwear-like bikini! Please enjoy "JC Milan", a work by Miran Shimizu! !!

Shimizu Miran

Shimizu Miran
Movie infos
TitleJC Milan
CategoryGravure idolHighlegbeautiful
Best offer
$39per month
3 months

33% Savings

$49per month
2 months

17% Savings

Good plan
$59per month
1 month
$39per month
3 months
$49per month
2 months
$59per month
1 month

The daily limit for all plans is 6 movies.