

French Kiss Yu Akagi

All scenes Nipple Pochi! ?? Introducing "French Kiss", an image work of Yu Akagi, a gravure idol who sells sharp features and a plump body! More exposure than past works! I polish my sex appeal and put out a little devil aura! The second scene I would like to recommend first! She appears in a pink leotard! I don't know where to look with the leotard she is wearing, her chest is pochi, and her crotch is a transcendental highleg! A camera that approaches her up close to clean with a deck brush in such a fashion! If you look at your chest, you can see the fluffy boobs of the F cup! Excited about her pulling the valley to show off her click! Also, as you frame up from her feet to lick it, your crotch is exposed to the full screen! I wonder if it's just shaved, and you can see the jerky skin feeling! The line of sight will be glued to the screen unintentionally! At the end of the scene, remove the leotard string and go to the handbra! I want to be sandwiched between boobs that can't fit in my hands! In the next scene, she will appear in plain clothes! She takes off her clothes from the beginning of the scene! This time it's a transparent white lingerie! Mochiron is the one that's popping, and you can even see her small areola! Taking out candy balls and licking with such a full-blown appearance She starts! Delusions go on to her like licking a suspicious Nani! Whip whip body + Fcup big breasts = no loss! Please download and enjoy Yu Akagi's "French Kiss", a recommended work that fits perfectly into the equation of the hit work! !!

Movie infos
TitleFrench Kiss Yu Akagi
CategoryGravure idolidolsHighleg
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