

Live show

Gravure, a great success as a talent! "Hamasho", an image work of Shoko Hamada, who is currently active as an idol with her unabated cuteness and cuteness, is now available! This work is not only the sex appeal of adults, but also the original cuteness of Hamada. First of all, she appears in a black sailor suit! White socks at the feet and twin tails with a hairstyle that still feels like a girl! How fascinating! Her skirt walking along the coastline sways and glances at her white pants! When she moves indoors, she unravels the ribbon on her chest and begins to take it off! A slender body wrapped in a small white bikini! The bulging milk like a girl makes my eyes nailed! In addition, the race queen figure, which is also the origin of Hamada, will be shown! Her crotch exposed to the brim with a white high-leg swimsuit! Gollum raw spit on her who takes a sexy pose as if to show it off! Also, in the last scene, she appears in a yukata! Her nape, which is dressed in a lustrous adult atmosphere, makes me surprised! She takes off as it is when she opens her shoulders like an oiran! If the cut is switched, change into a beige eyepatch swimsuit early and go to the bathing shower scene! Her beautiful body that gets wet and glossy is unbearable anymore! In addition, a scene of taking off from an OL-style suit and a too cute naked apron are also included! There is no doubt that you will feel the shock you received at the time of your debut again! Please enjoy until the end! !!

Shoko Hamada

Shoko Hamada
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