

Middle school students! Report card of love

"Junior high school student! Love report card" by Achan Naraoka, a junior idol whose popularity is rising rapidly. 2 active beautiful girls, Achan, will deliver a bold pose and a new side to the dialogue! Achan who changes her uniform to a bikini and moves her body a lot with a rough dress such as a balance ball and stretching. Also, take advantage of the softness of your body, such as stretching and open legs, with leotards, and keep an eye on Achan, who nails the eyes of the viewer in various bold poses! In addition, you can change from sportswear to a bikini and apply body cream, lick ice cream in a swimsuit, and take a shower. Plenty of recordings of the growing facial expressions and bodies of active JC!

Movie infos
TitleMiddle school students! Report card of love
Categorybalance ballOpen legsbeautiful
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