

Petit princess hoshino riri

"Petit Princess hoshino riri" is an image of Ruri Hoshino, an innocent girl with long black hair and fair skin. Ruri-chan, who has a very cute smile, makes cute poses in various costumes! Playing a recorder in uniform, changing into a bikini and applying sunscreen cream, changing from a one-piece to a bikini to play in the river, and quickly changing clothes from cosplay to a bikini are really too cute! Also, shower in a bikini, stretch and play in the pool in a swimsuit, change from a navel outfit to a bikini and play with balloons in a hula hoop, balance ball, plain clothes style outfit, change into a bikini, and lick ice cream with a bunny girl Eyes are nailed to Ruri who laughs innocently, such as chewing on a cake! !! It is a work full of Ruri-chan with a freshness of 120%!

Movie infos
TitlePetit princess hoshino riri
Best offer
$39per month
3 months

33% Savings

$49per month
2 months

17% Savings

Good plan
$59per month
1 month
$39per month
3 months
$49per month
2 months
$59per month
1 month

The daily limit for all plans is 6 movies.