

Impact J

Rui Kiriyama
Big boobs

Introducing the latest image "Impact J" of Rui Kiriyama, who leads the gravure world with her baby-faced + huge breasts! This work was shot in Los Angeles in the United States! The J-Cup, the biggest weapon, is rampaging again, ignoring gravity! First of all, she appears in a red string bikini! Rui-chan in a bright red bikini with the sun shining down and the sandy beach as far as the eye can see, the blue sea! She runs to the beach! The moment when I thought that my eyes were taken away by the round ass that the bikini pants bite into, her J cup bust that runs toward here and turns back sways with Brun Brun! Her boobs, which are by no means inferior to the name "Impact J", are fascinating! We also recommend the scene from 51:04! She changes her hairstyle to a ponytail and appears in plain clothes! When you move to the room, you can take off your clothes and perform a dance! Keep an eye on her boobs that "ramp" as you might imagine! There are many other scenes that you can't miss, such as a bathing shower scene wearing a beige bikini and a cowgirl wearing pants in her ass! This work, which can be said to be the definitive edition of Rui-chan! Please download and enjoy! !!

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