

Summer Girl Rei Kuromiya Part7

Kuromiya Rei
Summer girl

Delivering to you the brilliance of girls who sparkle in the summer! Rei Kuromiya's 7th work from the popular junior idol series "Summer Girl" is here! Rei-chan, an absolute beautiful girl junior idol who no longer needs to explain! I will introduce the contents at once! The first scene I would like to recommend is the first scene that appears in uniform! She is dressed in a sailor suit based on light white like summer, and Tokoro who has long black hair in a twin tail is also a high point from junior work lovers! When the cut is switched, take off and pose! Don't hesitate to take off your skirt, untie the ribbon on your chest and pop open your blouse to see her bulging breasts! I have to be excited to see her body, which has been active since elementary school, grow visibly! At the end of the scene, I am impressed with the great service that will show off even the dynamic vertical streaks! Also, pay attention to the scene from 17:04! She also appears in gray pants on a thin camisole (it's better to be thin)! It's nice to have a pose with an ennui look, which is rare for her with a lot of smiles, but the cut from the last 55 seconds is recommended! The camera comes up from her legs lying on her back on the bed, but at the moment when she reaches her chest, what is reflected on the screen is the convex of the nipless that emerges from the camisole! It's a frame-in in an instant, so don't miss it! Other gym clothes & Full of highlights such as bloomers, white swimsuits, and various bikinis! Please enjoy Rei Kuromiya's summer girl Part7 until the end! !!

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