

Lemon drops

Kobayashi Karen
Nice ass

The image work "Lemon Drops", in which Karen Kobayashi boldly shows off her seasonal appearance with pure eyes on her youthful bare skin, is now available! She has a strong and plump body, and her big hips are unbearable! A series of fascinating poses with a flexible body cultivated in ballet! First of all, I would like to introduce you to the scene in white sports bikini and bloomers! Her slender body, apparently dressed in a small cloth area, is revealed! Her plump plums and her swaying nice ass suddenly deprive her of her eyes! In the balance ball exercise, you can make your smile sparkle and move up and down vigorously! If you take out the candy, you can lick it with your tongue or suck it in your mouth and tempt everyone in front of the screen! The mouth is glossy and very sexy! In the scene from 44:51, she appears in a blue swimsuit! This swimsuit is very tight and her beautiful body is tightened to reveal the body line clearly! If you look around your crotch, you'll be blaming it to the last minute and your eyes will be nailed again! But what I would like you to pay attention to is her pose at the end of the scene! Show off the Y-shaped balance to the camera, and even serve tokoro that will not get sunburned! Her little devilish side that laughs invincibly makes me dokit! In addition, we will deliver everything from various swimsuits to poses in lingerie! Please enjoy Karen Kobayashi's "Lemon Drops" to the end! !!

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