

Shy body

Tomoe Yamanaka

Tomoe Yamanaka, who has been overwhelmingly popular since childhood! Introducing her image work, "Shy Body", whose naughty aura that oozes out from nowhere as an adult has become unbearable! There is no doubt that many memories will be made with the sweet travel notes of you and Chie who are watching this work, and the subjective camera that contains her! ?? First of all, she appears in a hotel room in plain clothes! Her chest, which talks about what she wants to do while traveling as if talking to her boyfriend, is a glimpse of her F cup bust by the thing that became a hot topic as a "sweater that kills virgins"! I will chase her with a Handycam in one hand, showing her to be tempted! She takes close-up shots of various tokoro with the camera and whispers "embarrassing ...", but contrary to her words, she poses to show off her crotch in a swimsuit! If you take off your skirt and expose the pure white peach butt, it will stick out to the camera and pose for a female leopard! Also, I would like you to pay attention to the scene from 45:06! The scene here, the most eye-catching is her outfit! She is dressed in a small white swimsuit and throws herself into the pool! The cloth that absorbs water and clings to her body is slightly transparent! In addition, she attacks her crotch intensively from underwater! You must be excited about the one scene with streaks! Wisdom who shows a sexy appearance of the last-minute costume in a tropical country full of liberation! There are many other recommended scenes such as a beach scene with bouncing breasts and a bathing shower scene in lingerie! Please enjoy until the end! !!

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Sweet & Bitter Minami Nishida
